WeberAsset Limited (the WeberAsset) is a licensed service provider that provides investment and support services as defined in this Agreement through its online electronic system (the “Trading Platforms”).
The following describes the terms and conditions on which WeberAsset Limited. (WeberAsset) offers access to its website to you, the customer (“you” or “user”
or “client”) and use of its services (“Agreement”, “User Agreement” or “Online Services”). . Agreement").
WeberAsset is owned and operated by WeberAsset Limited. This Agreement describes the terms,
conditions and risks that apply to your use of our services available on the WeberAsset Limited domain and subdomains. If you have any questions regarding this Agreement, please contact Customer Service. Before you can become a customer of WeberAsset Limited, you must read, agree to and accept all of the terms and conditions contained in this User Agreement, without modification, including the terms and conditions expressly set forth below and those incorporated by reference. By continuing to access or use the Website, you agree to be bound by the Terms of this Agreement, to the extent they may apply to you.
You may communicate with us in writing (including by fax), by email or other electronic means, or orally (including by telephone). The language of communication will be English and you will receive documents and other information from us in English. However, if necessary and for your convenience, we will endeavor to communicate with you in other languages. By accepting and agreeing to the Terms of this Agreement, you agree to the following terms and conditions and all policies included in the official website of WeberAsset .
The Company is free to use any idea, concept, know-how, technique or information contained in your communications for any purpose, including, but not limited to, product development and marketing. The Company monitors your communications to evaluate the quality of the service you receive, your compliance with this Agreement, the security of the Website, or for other reasons. You agree that such monitoring activities do not give you any cause of action or other rights with respect to how Company monitors your communications.
The Services are available and reserved only to individuals or entities who have entered into a legally binding contract under the laws applicable in their country of residence. Without limiting the terms below, our Services are not available to anyone under the age of 18 or under the legal age (“Minors”). For the avoidance of any doubt, we disclaim any liability for any unauthorized use of our Services by Minors in any manner.
Without limiting the foregoing, our Services are not available in regions where their use is illegal, and the Company reserves the right to refuse and/or cancel access to its Services to any person in its sole discretion.
For the avoidance of doubt, the ability to access our website does not necessarily mean that our services and/or your activities through it are legal under the laws, regulations or directives applicable to your country of residence.
“Account” means a personal trading account maintained by the Client with the Company and assigned a specific account number.
“Access Codes” means the username and password provided by the Company to the Client to access the Company’s website.
“Agreement” means these Terms of Use of the Services offered by the Company.
“Balance” means the amount held on behalf of the Client in its Client Account for any period of time.
“Business Day” means a day that is not a Saturday or Sunday, a public holiday in Belize, or any other holiday advertised by the Company on its website.
“LSP Authorization” means the license obtained by the Company from the IFSC, as may be amended from time to time, which specifies the investment and ancillary services that the Company is authorized to provide.
“CFD” means “contract for difference”, consisting of an agreement (contract) to exchange the difference in the value of a specified currency, commodity share or index between the time the contract is opened and the time it closes. Profits or losses are determined by how the prices of the underlying instruments move relative to the price at the time the contract is entered into.
“Execution” means the execution of clients' orders on the Company's trading platform, where the Company acts as an Agent for Clients' transactions.
“Financial markets” means international financial markets in which exchange rates for financial instruments are determined through multilateral trading.
“Financial Instruments” means any financial instruments offered by the Company and which are defined as such in accordance with applicable laws or regulations. According to the Company's license, this is:
Transferable securities
Money market instruments
Units in collective investment organizations
Options, futures, swaps, forward rate agreements and any other derivative contracts relating to securities, currencies, interest rates or yields, or other derivative instruments, financial indices or financial indicators that may be settled physically or in cash.
Options, futures, swaps, forward rate agreements and any other derivative contracts relating to commodities that must be settled in cash or can be settled in cash at the option of either party (except in the event of default or other termination event) . .
Options, futures, swaps and any other derivative contracts relating to commodities that can be physically settled provided they are traded on a regulated market and/or MTF.
Options, futures, swaps, forwards and any other derivative contracts relating to commodities that can be physically settled, not otherwise mentioned in paragraph (vi) above, and are not intended for commercial purposes that have the characteristics of other derivative financial instruments, with regardless of whether, inter alia, they are cleared and settled through recognized clearing houses or are subject to regular margin requirements.
Derivatives for credit risk transfer.
Financial contracts for difference.
Options, futures, swaps, forward rate agreements and any other derivative contracts relating to climate variables, freight rates, emissions allowances or inflation rates or other official economic statistics that must be settled in cash or can be settled in cash at the option of one of the parties (except in the event of default or other termination), as well as any other derivative contract relating to assets, rights, obligations, indices and measures not otherwise referred to in this Part, which have the characteristics of other derivative financial instruments, taking into account that whether they are, among other things, traded on a regulated market or MTF, cleared and settled through recognized clearing houses or subject to regular margin requirements.
"MTF" stands for Multilateral Trading Facility.
“Working (trading) time of the Company” is the period of time during the working week during which the Company’s trading terminal provides the opportunity to carry out trading operations. The Company reserves the right to change this time period at its sole discretion upon notice to the Client.
“Order” means a request/instruction given by the Client to the Company to open or close a position on the Client’s Account.
“Services” means the investment and support services that will be provided by the Company to clients and are subject to this Agreement as described in clause 5 of this Agreement.
“Transaction” means any type of transaction subject to this Agreement carried out on the Client's trading account(s), including, but not limited to, deposits, withdrawals, open trades, closed trades and any other transaction in any financial instrument.
In this Agreement, all words denoting only the singular will also include the plural if the above definitions apply and vice versa, and words denoting natural persons will include legal entities and vice versa. Words of any kind include all genders, and whenever the terms “Clauses,” “Sections,” and “Appendices” are used, those terms are the clauses, sections, and exhibits of this Agreement.
Section headings are used for ease of reference only and do not affect their interpretation. References to any law or regulation will be deemed to be references to that law or regulation as they may from time to time be amended or replaced or likewise expanded, re-enacted or supplemented.
The following are the investment services that the Company is authorized to provide pursuant to its LSP authorization and are subject to this Agreement.
It should be clarified and noted that the Company operates on an execution basis only and does not provide advice on the merits of specific Transactions or their tax consequences.
You accept all responsibility in respect of any investment strategy, transaction or investment, tax costs, as well as for any consequences arising from any transaction you enter into, and the Company shall not be liable and you shall not rely on the Company for the above .
If the Company provides general trading advice, market commentary or other information in its newsletters and/or website.
This has nothing to do with your business relationship with the Company. It is provided solely to enable you to make your own investment decisions and does not constitute investment advice;
If a document contains a limitation on the person or class of persons to whom the document is intended or distributed, you agree not to distribute it to such person or class of persons;
The Company makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of such information or as to the tax consequences of any Transaction;
Before submitting, you agree that the Company may have used the information on which it is based. The Company makes no representations regarding the timing of your receipt and cannot guarantee that you will receive such information at the same time as other customers. Any published research reports or recommendations may appear on one or more screens in the Information Service.
The Company's opening hours are from 00:01 GMT on Sunday to 23:59 GMT on Friday, excluding public holidays which will be announced on the Company's website. The Company reserves the right to suspend or change operating hours at its discretion, in which case its website will be promptly updated to ensure you are informed accordingly.
When you register for the above Services, the Company will ask you to provide certain identifying information. You acknowledge your willingness to share with the Company certain personal information that it uses to verify your identity. This information is collected in accordance with our strict verification procedures, which are used to prevent international money laundering transactions and to ensure the safety and security of our clients' trading activities at all stages, and is subject to the Company's Privacy Policy. Each client is entitled to have one (1) account. In the event that a customer opens more than one (1) account, the Company will have the right to transfer money or transactions from one account to another, even if such transfer requires the closure of any transactions. on the account from which the transfer was made.
If you are registering as an entity, you hereby represent that you have the authority to bind that entity to this Agreement. The Company will treat the information you entrust to the Company with care, consistent with the disclosures it makes during the registration process and in its Privacy Policy.
By registering with the Company, you acknowledge and agree that you consent to the use of all or part of the information you provide about your trading account, the transactions you make through it, and the interactions you conduct with the Company on behalf of the Company. . All interactions you have with the Company will be retained by the Company for record keeping purposes as required by Law and may be used by the Company in the event of a dispute between you and the Company or upon request of the IFSC or any other person. competent authority.
You represent, warrant and warrant that any funds transferred to the Company for trading purposes belong solely to you and are not subject to any lien, charge, lien or any other encumbrance. In addition, any funds contributed by you to the Company are in no way the direct or indirect proceeds of any illegal act or omission or the result of any criminal activity.
You agree and understand that in the event that the Company has evidence sufficient to indicate that certain amounts classified above received by you are the proceeds of illegal activities or the products of any criminal activity and/or belong to a third party, the Company reserves the right to refund these amounts to the sender, whether you or the beneficial owner of the entity. In addition, you also agree and understand that the Company may cancel any Transactions executed on your Trading Account and terminate this agreement. The Company reserves the right to take any legal action against you to insure and indemnify itself in the event of such an event and may also seek compensation for any damages caused by you to the Company as a result of such an event.
You represent that you are at least eighteen (18) years of age in the case of an individual, or that you have full legal capacity in the case of a legal entity, to enter into this Agreement.
You understand and accept that all transactions related to trading of any Financial Instruments will be carried out only through the Trading Platforms provided by the Company and Financial Instruments shall not be transferred to any other Trading Platform.
You guarantee the authenticity and validity of any document submitted by the Client to the Company. You understand and accept that the Company cannot provide you with any legal advice or warranties regarding your use of the Services, and the Company makes no representations regarding the legality of the Services in your jurisdiction.
The Company will provide you with access codes to obtain online access to the Company's website and/or trading platforms, which will allow you to place orders for any financial instrument available from the Company and enter into Transactions with the Company. In addition, you will be able to trade on the Company's trading platforms with and through the Company using a personal computer, smartphone or any other similar device connected to the Internet. In this regard, you understand that the Company may, in its sole discretion, terminate your access to the Company's systems in order to protect both the interests of the Company and your interests and to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the systems.
You agree that you will store the Access Codes in a secure location at your discretion and will not disclose them to others. You will not continue or avoid any activities that may result in unauthorized or unauthorized access to or use of the Trading Platforms.
You agree not to attempt to abuse the Trading Platforms for the purpose of making illegal profits or attempting to make profits by exploiting server latency or using techniques such as price manipulation, delay trading, time manipulation.
You are responsible for all acts or omissions that occur on the Website as a result of the use of your registration information. If you believe that someone has used or is using your registration information, username or password to access any Service without your permission, you should notify the Company immediately. You must use your best efforts to keep the Access Codes confidential and disclose them only to you, and you will be responsible for any Orders received by the Company through your trading account under your Access Codes. In addition, any Orders received by the Company will be deemed to have been received from you. In cases where a third party is designated as an authorized representative to act on your behalf, you will be responsible for all Orders submitted using the representative's account password.
You are responsible for monitoring your account and will notify the Company immediately if you become aware that your access codes have been lost or are being used by an unauthorized third party. In addition, you agree to immediately notify the Company if you become aware that you have not received a communication indicating receipt and/or execution of an Order, accurate confirmation of execution, or any information regarding your Account balances, orders or transactions. history, as well as if you receive confirmation of an Order that you did not place.
You acknowledge that the Company may elect not to take any action based on Orders submitted to the Company using electronic means other than those Orders submitted to the Company using predetermined electronic means, such as the Trading Platform, and the Company shall not be liable to the Client. for failure to act on the basis of such Orders.
You agree to use software developed by third parties, including, but not limited to, most of the browser software mentioned above, that support data security protocols that are compatible with those used by the Company. In doing so, you agree to follow the access (Login) procedure of the Company that supports such protocols.
The Company will not be liable in the event of unauthorized third party access to information, including, but not limited to, email addresses and/or personal data, through the exchange of such data between you and the Company and/or any other parties using the Internet or other accessible network or electronic facilities.
The Company is not responsible for any power outages or failures that prevent the use of the system and/or the Trading Platform and cannot be held liable for failure to fulfill any obligations under this Agreement due to network connection or electrical failures.
The Company also reserves the right to ask you to provide instructions regarding your transactions by other means as it deems appropriate.
The Company is not responsible for any potential damages you may incur as a result of transmission errors, technical faults, malfunctions, illegal interference with network equipment, network congestion, viruses, system errors, execution delays, malicious blocking of access by third parties. , Internet disruptions, outages or other deficiencies on the part of Internet service providers. You acknowledge that access to the electronic systems/trading platforms may be limited or unavailable due to such system errors and that the Company reserves the right, upon notice to you, to suspend access to the electronic systems/trading platforms for this reason.
The Company has the right to unilaterally and with immediate effect suspend or permanently deny your ability to use any Electronic Service or any part thereof without prior notice if the Company deems it necessary or appropriate, for example, due to your failure to comply with the Applicable Rules, violation of which - the provisions of this Agreement, the occurrence of an Event of Default (as defined in Section 23 of this Agreement), network problems, power failure, the need for maintenance, or the protection of you in the event of a security breach. In addition, use of the service may be terminated automatically upon termination (for any reason) of any license granted to Company that relates to a particular service; or this Agreement. Use of the service may be terminated immediately if the service is withdrawn by any market or the Company is required to withdraw the service in accordance with the Applicable Rules.
Through one or more of its Services, the Company makes available to you a wide range of financial information that is generated internally from agents, suppliers or partners (“Third Party Providers”). This includes, but is not limited to, financial market data, quotes and news, analyst opinions and research reports, charts and data (“Financial Information”).
The financial information presented on the Company's website does not constitute intended investment advice. The Company and its Third Party Providers do not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, completeness or correct sequence of the financial information or the results of your use of the financial information. Financial information can quickly become unreliable for a variety of reasons, including, for example, changes in market conditions or economic circumstances.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the information on the Company website is accurate and suits your needs. We exclude all liability for any claims, damages or losses of any kind caused by information contained on the Company website or linked to by the Company website.
You can place an Order through the Company's trading platform. Once the Company receives your instructions or Orders, they cannot be revoked except with the written consent of the Company, which may be given in the sole and absolute discretion of the Company.
You place your market request at the prices you see on your terminal/platform and the execution process begins. Due to the high volatility of the market, as well as the Internet connection between the client terminal and the server, the prices requested by the client and the current market price may change during this process.
You have the right to use a Power of Attorney to authorize a third party (representative) to act on your behalf in all business dealings with the Company. The power of attorney must be provided to the Company along with all documents identifying the representative. If the validity period is not specified, the power of attorney will be considered valid until it is terminated in writing by you.
The Company will use reasonable efforts to promptly execute any order, but by accepting your orders, the Company does not represent or warrant that such order will be possible or that execution will be possible in accordance with your instructions. In the event that the Company encounters any significant difficulty in executing an order on your behalf, such as in the event of a market closure and/or due to illiquidity of financial instruments and other market conditions, the Company will notify you promptly.
Orders can be placed, executed, changed or deleted only during business (trading) hours and remain valid until the next trading session. Your Order must be valid and match the type and time of the Order as specified. If the validity period of the Order is not specified, it is valid indefinitely.
The Company is required to record telephone conversations without any prior notice (unless required by Applicable Regulations) to ensure that the material terms of the Transaction and/or order placed by the customer and/or any other material information relating to the transaction are recorded correctly. Such records will be the property of the Company and will be accepted by you as evidence of your orders or instructions.
The Company may require you to limit the number of open positions you may have with the Company at any time, and the Company may, in its sole discretion, close any one or more transactions to ensure that such position limits are maintained. You will be notified of position limits in advance either through the Company]'s website or through the trading platforms.
If any underlying asset of a Financial Instrument is exposed to a certain risk resulting in a foreseeable decline in value, the Company reserves the right to withdraw the particular financial instrument from the Company's trading platform.
The Company has the right to set monitoring limits with respect to your orders at its sole discretion. Such restrictions may be changed, removed or added and may include, but are not limited to:
control over the maximum amount and size of the order;
control of electronic systems and/or trading platforms to verify, for example, your identity when receiving an order;
any other restrictions, parameters or controls that the Company may deem necessary in accordance with the Applicable Rules.
There may be limits on the number of Transactions you can enter into on any given day, as well as the total value of those Transactions. You acknowledge that some markets place restrictions on the types of orders that can be directly transmitted into their electronic trading systems. These types of orders are sometimes called synthetic orders. The transmission of synthetic orders to the market is dependent on the accurate and timely receipt of prices or quotes from the relevant market or market data provider. You acknowledge that the market may cancel a synthetic order when updating its systems, trading screens may remove the record of such an order, and you enter such orders at your own risk. You should refer to the Company's website for details of the restrictions/limits imposed on Transactions carried out through its electronic systems and/or trading platforms.
The Company takes all reasonable measures to obtain the best results for its Clients. A company's best execution policy provides a general overview of how orders are executed as well as certain other factors that may affect the execution of a financial instrument. You acknowledge and agree that you have read and understand the “Best Execution Policy” that was provided to you during the registration process and uploaded on the Company website.
You agree that the Company may execute an order on your behalf outside of a regulated market and/or MTF and that the Company's Order Execution Policy will not apply when you place a specific instruction. The place of execution for all customer orders will be the authorized market maker.
Confirmations of all transactions that were executed in your Trading Account on the trading day will be available through your online account via the Trading Platform as soon as the transaction is completed. It is your responsibility to notify the Company if any confirmations are incorrect. Confirmations, in the absence of manifest error, shall be final and binding on you unless you submit your objection in writing within seven (7) business days. You may request to receive a monthly or quarterly account statement via email by providing such request to the Company, but the Company is not obligated to provide you with a paper account statement. An account statement may be provided at the client's expense.
You have the right to authorize a third party to give instructions and/or orders to the Company or to deal with any other matters related to this Agreement, provided that you have notified the Company in writing that such right will be exercised by the third party. and that the person has been approved by the Company and complies with all of the Company's conditions to do so.
In the event that you have authorized a third party as stated above, you have agreed that in the event you wish to terminate the authorization, you are solely responsible for notifying the Company of such decision in writing. In any other case, the Company will consider that the authorization is still ongoing and will continue to accept instructions and/or Orders given by the authorized person on your behalf.
The company will name the prices at which it is ready to cooperate with you. Save where:
The Company exercises any of its rights to close the Transaction;
The deal is closed automatically
It is your responsibility to decide whether you wish to enter into a transaction at the price quoted by the Company. The Company's prices are determined by the Company in the manner set out in the attached terms and conditions.
Each price must be effective and may be used in trading instructions until its expiration date or until the time, if any, that it is withdrawn by the Company. After this time, the price cannot be used in trading instructions. Each price must be available for use in trading instructions for a transaction, the principal amount of which must not exceed the maximum determined by the Company. You acknowledge that these prices and maximum amounts may differ from the prices and maximum amounts provided to other customers of the Company and are subject to withdrawal or change without notice. The Company may, in its sole discretion and without prior notice, immediately cease providing prices in some or all currency pairs and for some or all value dates at any time.
When the Company quotes a price, market conditions may change between the Company sending the quote and the time your order is executed. Such a movement can be either in your favor or against it. Prices that may be set and/or traded by other market makers or third parties from time to time do not apply to transactions between the Company and you.
The Company has the right at any time and for any reason and without any notice and/or explanation to refuse, at its sole discretion, the execution of any Order, including, but not limited to, in the following cases:
If you fail to provide the Company with any documents requested from you, either for customer identification purposes or for any other reason.
If the Company suspects or has concerns that the documents submitted may be false or counterfeit.
If you do not have the required funds in your account.
If the Company is informed that your credit or debit card (or any other payment method used) has been lost or stolen.
If the Company believes that there is a risk of refund.
If the Company has reasonable grounds to suspect that the execution of an Order is part of an attempt to manipulate the market, insider trading, is associated with money laundering activities or could potentially in any way affect the reliability, efficiency or uninterrupted operation of the Trading Platform.
If you do not have sufficient available funds deposited with the Company or in your bank account to pay the purchase price of the Order, as well as the applicable fees and commissions required to complete the transaction on the Trading Platform. In the event that the Company refuses to fulfill an order, such refusal will not affect any obligations you may have to the Company or any rights the Company may have to you or your assets.
If the order is the result of the use of inside confidential information (insider trading).
It is understood that any failure by the Company to comply with any order does not affect any obligations you may have to the Company or any rights the Company may have to you or your assets.
You represent that you will not knowingly give the Company any Orders or instructions that would cause the Company to take action in accordance with the Paragraph above.
The Company has the right to cancel a transaction if it has sufficient reason/evidence to believe that one of the following events has occurred:
Fraud/illegal activities led to the transaction,
Orders placed at prices displayed as a result of system errors or failures of the Company's or its third party service providers' systems.
The company did not follow your instructions.
The transaction was completed in violation of the provisions of this Agreement.
The Company begins to settle all transactions after such transactions have been completed. The purchase of a financial contract is considered complete when the financial contract is configured, the premium (or margin, as applicable) is calculated and payment is confirmed. You agree to be fully and personally responsible for the proper settlement of each transaction entered into under your account with the Company.
The company offers a number of attractive bonus programs to its new and existing clients who activate their trading account. Bonuses and/or financial rewards and/or promotions (“Bonuses”) provided to Clients are part of the Company’s promotional program. These Bonuses are a limited time offer and their terms and conditions are subject to change upon written notice to Customers that material portions of the terms and conditions have changed. Before accepting any bonus offer, Customers will be given the opportunity to review the terms and conditions associated with each bonus scheme to fully understand how the scheme works as well as its Terms and Conditions and provide their consent to accept any changes in In the event that the client does not provide the Company with any feedback or advice to the contrary within seven (7) days, the Company shall assume that the client agrees and/or accepts the contents of the amendment
Clients are not required to accept any Bonuses offered by the Company; all bonuses are optional. Clients may refuse to receive the Bonus. In these circumstances, Clients will not be bound by the terms and conditions relating to the Bonus. By accepting the Bonuses offered, Clients agree to comply with the guidelines, terms and conditions of the Bonus Programs, provided that they fully understand and agree to the terms of this agreement.
Various bonus programs and promotions are randomly provided and added to the client's trading account in one of the following forms:
Pending Bonus – The bonus will be added to the trader's "pending bonus" field and will be added to the actual account balance once a certain trading volume has been completed. The bonus cannot be sold until a certain volume has been reached in accordance with the specific bonus scheme established.
To track a trader's volume and determine the bonus and its corresponding status, the trader is asked to check the "Reports" section on the main page after logging in. To do this, a trader can click the “Reports” button in the upper right corner. in the corner of the page, then on the “Transactions” tab, in addition to bonus reports, reports will appear in the volume. The trader has the ability to view a bonus report that tracks volume on a daily basis.
The required volume that must be reached to withdraw the bonus is calculated by multiplying the bonus amount by the bet in the range of 40-50. Trading volume is the calculation of a trader's trades regardless of the outcome. In a sense, this is a monitor of a trader’s trading activity.
For example: you are given an expected welcome bonus of 25% on your deposit. If you deposited $300, your expected bonus would be $75. The volume required is 40 times $75, which equates to $3,000. Once you trade $3,000 in volume, $75 will be transferred to your balance and available for any needs.
It is mentioned here that accepting and receiving a bonus can be overwhelming. Because of the size of the bonus, which can sometimes significantly improve the trader's account balance. In some cases, traders tend to not use the luck of their bonus and spend it right away. Therefore, we ask the trader to pay attention to the account status and urge the trader to invest the bonus amount carefully and responsibly.
All Company additions to bonus terms and conditions are final.
Clients are hereby invited to use the Company's bonus in a legal and justifiable manner, in accordance with the terms of this agreement. The Company reserves the right to cancel and even close a trader's account if it suspects any form of abuse or misuse of the bonus by the trader, including for the reasons stated in section 23.
The company must purposefully come to the conclusion and make a decision as to whether customers have abused and/or abused its platform and/or its bonuses.
All bonuses and benefits must be redeemed within the predetermined offer period.
In case of abuse and/or misuse of the bonus terms, the Company has the right to withdraw the bonus. In this case, the company's decisions are final. Any change to the bonus conditions may be withdrawn by the company and later displayed on its website.
Consent to receive a bonus and its crediting to the trader’s account obliges the trader to comply with the terms of the bonus here and below.
Funds belonging to you which will be used for trading purposes will be held in an account with any bank or financial institution used to accept funds as the Company may designate from time to time and will be held in the name of the Company. It is understood that the Company may hold funds on your behalf in any bank. The legal and regulatory regime applicable to any such bank may differ from the regulatory regime in Belize, and in the event of insolvency or any other similar event in respect of that bank, your funds may be treated differently than the treatment that would have applied if the funds were kept in a bank account in Belize. The Company shall not be liable for the insolvency, acts or omissions of any third party referred to in this clause.
It is generally understood that any amount paid to you by the Company must be paid directly to you into a bank account of which you are the beneficial owner. Fund transfer requests are processed by the Company within the time period specified on the Company's official website and the time required to be credited to your personal account will depend on your bank account provider.
The Company reserves the right of set-off and may, in its sole discretion, from time to time and without your permission, set off any amounts held on your behalf and/or on credit against your liability to the Company. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Company and you, this Agreement does not provide any right to receive credit.
You have the right to withdraw funds from your Account that are not used to cover margin, without any obligation, without closing the said Account.
The Company reserves the right to refuse a withdrawal request if the request does not meet certain conditions mentioned in this Agreement or to delay processing the request if it is not satisfied with all the documentation provided.
As part of your terms and conditions, you will pay any bank fees in the event of a withdrawal from your trading account to the bank account you nominate. You are solely responsible for the payment details you provide to the Company and the Company is not responsible if you provide false or inaccurate bank details.
You agree that any amounts sent by you to the Company's bank accounts will be credited to your trading account on the value date of the payment received and less any fees/fees charged by the bank account providers or any other intermediary involved in such transaction. process. In order for the Company to accept any deposits from you, it is necessary to verify the identity of the sender and ensure that you are the person depositing the funds. If these conditions are not met, the Company reserves the right to return the net amount deposited into the account by the method used by the depositor.
The Company reserves the right to reject a withdrawal using a particular payment method and offer another payment method if you need to complete a new withdrawal request. In the event that the Company is not fully satisfied with the documentation provided in relation to a withdrawal request, the Company may request additional documentation and if the request is not satisfied, the Company may cancel the withdrawal request and return the funds back to your account. trading account.
When submitting a withdrawal request, the Company may take up to 5 (five) business days to process it. Once your application is approved, please allow a maximum of ten (10) additional days for funds to appear in your account. – In the event of a credit card refund delay that is beyond our control, we are required to investigate and ensure that all efforts are made to resolve the issue promptly.
In the event that any amount received in bank accounts is canceled by the bank account provider at any time and for any reason, the Company will immediately cancel the corresponding deposit from your trading account and reserves the right to cancel any other type of transactions. becomes effective upon the date of payment of the applicable deposit. It is understood that these actions may result in a negative balance in all or some of your trading accounts.
You agree to waive any of your rights to receive any interest earned on funds held in the bank account where your funds are held.
When you withdraw funds from your WeberAsset account, a minimum withdraw amount of 50.00 is required. The exact minimum will be based on the currency denomination of the Client Account.
For traders who are members of our Platinum, Black and VIP accounts, the first withdrawal is free. Exact fees and charges will depend on the currency denomination of Customer's Account.
All withdrawals are subject to a 3.5% fee. If this percentage (3.5) is equal to 30.00 or lower, the trader will be charged a withdrawal fee of 30.00. In addition, the maximum withdrawal fee is limited to 3500.00.
*Withdrawal fees will be borne by the recipient.
You acknowledge and agree that any trading account opened with the Company in which you have not placed trades and/or made deposits for a period exceeding sixty (60) calendar days will be classified by the Company as an Inactive Account. You further acknowledge and agree that such Inactive Accounts will be subject to a processing fee of fifty (50) US dollars, the exact fee will depend on the currency denomination of the Customer Account. You also agree that any Inactive Accounts with a zero balance/equity will be considered inactive accounts. To reactivate an Inactive and/or Inactive Account, you must contact the Company. The inactive and/or inactive account will then be reactivated subject to updated customer identification documentation being provided to the Company.”
You agree to pay our fees as agreed to by you from time to time, any fees or other charges imposed by the clearing organization, and interest on any amount due to us at the rates charged by us at that time. You will be notified of any changes in rates prior to the change.
The exact commission will depend on the currency denomination of the Client Account. The applicable fees and charges are as follows;
Profit Clearance: Trading fees on the Company's platform are subject to a profit clearance fee, which varies depending on the investment return; ranging from a minimum of 1.50 to a maximum of 5.00 per trade. A complete list of processing fees is available on the Website.
Maintenance Fee: The Company charges a monthly maintenance fee of $20 for the management and maintenance of Customer's Account. This fee will be deducted on the first day of the month. If the Client begins trading after the 1st of the month, the remaining commissions will be prorated according to the number of days remaining in the month.
In case of any value added tax or any other tax liability which arises in connection with a transaction carried out on your behalf or any other act carried out for you under this agreement, the amount incurred shall be payable in full by you and in this regard you shall pay the Company immediately upon request and the Company shall have the full right to debit your account for the outstanding amount due (excluding taxes payable by the Company in respect of the Company's income or profits).
Incomplete application fee
In the event that customer identity verification has not been completed, a fee of 100 will be charged within thirty (30) days from the date of the first deposit. This commission will be debited every 30 (thirty) days from the client's account.
The Company, in addition to fees and charges paid or provided to the Client or another person on behalf of the Client, may pay and/or receive fees/commissions to third parties, provided that these benefits are intended to improve the quality of the service offered to the Client and do not prejudice the Company's compliance obligations to act in the interests of the Client. The Company may pay fees/commissions to Affiliates, Introducing Brokers, Referring Agents or other third parties based on a written agreement. This fee/commission is associated with a fixed amount for each referred customer. The Company is obligated and agrees to disclose to the client, upon request, additional information regarding the amount of fees/commissions or any other remuneration paid by the Company to Affiliates, Introducing Brokers, Referring Agents or other third parties. The Company may also receive fees/commissions and other remuneration from third parties based on a written agreement. The company receives a fee/commission from the counterparty through which it carries out transactions. The size of the commission depends on the frequency/volume of transactions performed through the counterparty. The Company is obliged and undertakes to disclose to the client, upon his request, additional information about the amount of remuneration/commission or any other remuneration received by the Company from third parties.
It should be noted that the Company and any person associated with the Company will carry out transactions in good faith and with due diligence, but shall not be liable for any omission, willful omission or fraud on the part of any person, firm or company from whom the Company receives instructions for to execute Orders and/or carry out transactions on your behalf, including in cases where this could result from negligence, willful omission or fraud on the part of the Company.
The Company will not be liable for any missed opportunities by you that result in either losses or a decrease (or increase) in the value of your Financial Instruments.
In the event that the Company incurs any claims, losses, damages, liabilities or expenses arising in the course of providing the Services and all related transactions that are carried out as a means of providing these Services to you, as agreed in this Agreement or as relates to the potential disposal of your Financial Instruments, you shall be solely responsible for such losses/expenses/liabilities/claims, while the Company shall have absolutely no liability and you shall therefore be liable to indemnify the Company for damages in connection with the above.
The Company will not be liable for any damages caused to you as a result of any omission, negligence, willful omission or fraud on the part of the bank with which the Company's bank account is held.
The Company is not responsible for the loss of your financial instruments and funds in cases where your assets are held by a third party such as a bank, or for actions taken based on inaccurate information previously in its possession. receive information from you about any changes in the specified information.
The Company makes every effort to ensure that the banks and institutions in which your funds and/or financial instruments are deposited are of good standing and reputation. However, the Company shall not be liable in the event of losses arising as a result of a deterioration in the financial position of the bank or institution, or in the event of an event such as liquidation, receivership or any other event which causes the Bank or institution to fail and, therefore, leads to the loss of all or part of the deposited funds.
Without prejudice to any other terms of this Agreement, the Company shall not be liable for:
System errors (company or service providers)
Unauthorized use
For any action taken by or at the direction of a market, clearing house or regulatory authority.
The Company shall not be liable to you for any partial or failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement due to any cause beyond the reasonable control of the Company, including, without limitation, any breakdown, delay, malfunction or failure of transmission, communication or computer facilities, strikes, an act of terrorism, a natural disaster, the acts or regulations of any governmental or supranational bodies or authorities or the default of the applicable intermediate broker or agent, agent or principal of a depository, sub-custodian, dealer, market, clearing house or regulatory or self-regulatory organization for any reason for fulfilling its obligations.
Neither the Company nor its directors, officers, employees or agents shall be liable for any loss, damage, costs or expenses, whether arising from negligence, breach of contract, misrepresentation or otherwise, suffered or incurred by you under this Agreement (including any Transaction or if the Company has refused to enter into a proposed Transaction). Under no circumstances will the Company be liable for damages incurred by you or any third party in connection with any special or consequential damages, loss of profits, loss of goodwill or loss of business opportunity arising under or in connection with this Agreement , whether arising from negligence, breach of contract, misrepresentation or otherwise.
You agree to pay to the Company such amounts as it may require from time to time to satisfy any debit balance in any of your accounts with the Company and, on a full indemnity basis, any losses, liabilities, costs or expenses (including legal fees), taxes , fees and charges that the Company may incur or be subject to in respect of any of your accounts or any Transaction or any relevant Transaction on the Market or with an intermediate broker or as a result of any misrepresentation by you or any breach by you of your obligations under this Agreement (including any Transaction) or enforcement of the Company’s rights.
You acknowledge that you have not relied on or been induced to enter into this Agreement by any representatives other than those expressly set forth in this Agreement. The Company will not be liable to you for statements that are not set forth in this Agreement and are not fraudulent.
This Agreement is valid for an indefinite period unless terminated by the Company, you, or both.
The Agreement may be amended in the following cases:
Unilaterally by the Company if such amendment is necessary following amendment of the law or if the IFSC or any other regulatory body issues decisions or mandatory directives affecting the Agreement. In any such case, the Company will notify the Client of the said amendment either in writing, by email or through its home web page and your consent shall not be required for any such amendment.
In cases where a change to the Agreement is not required due to any change in the legal framework, the Company will notify you of the relevant amendment via its home page and/or email. In the event of any objection, you may terminate the Agreement within seven (7) days of notice by certified mail, subject to all pending transactions on your behalf being completed. After the expiration of the above period, without any objection from the Client, you are deemed to agree and/or accept the contents of the amendment.
The Company's goal is to provide the most efficient trading liquidity available in the form of streaming traded prices for the majority of financial instruments we offer on the trading platform. As a result of the highly automated nature of the delivery of these streaming traded prices, Clients acknowledge and agree that incorrect price quotes may occur from time to time.
If Clients implement trading strategies to exploit such misquotes or act in bad faith (commonly known as “sniping”), the Company will consider this unacceptable behavior. If the Company, in its sole discretion and in good faith, determines that any of the Clients and/or any of his/her representatives trading on his/her behalf is taking advantage of, benefiting from, attempting to take advantage of or benefit from such misquote(s) or that any Client commits any other unlawful or abusive trading act, such as, for example:
orders placed based on manipulated prices as a result of system errors or system failures;
arbitrage trading at prices offered by our platforms as a result of system errors;
fraud/wrongdoing leading to the transaction;
coordinated transactions between related parties to take advantage of system errors and delays in system updates.
Customers agree and acknowledge that they will not use our products and services for any unauthorized activity. “Unauthorized activity” means any activity, including, but not limited to, money laundering, arbitrage or off-market trading, or any other activity involving the purchase of financial products in one market for immediate resale in another market for the purpose of profiting from price discrepancies or price error.
In such cases, and if we reasonably believe that any transaction involves unauthorized and/or abusive activity, the Company will have and reserve the right to:
adjust the proposed payments available to such Clients;
limit Clients' access to streaming, instantly traded quotes, including providing only manual quotes;
receive from Clients' accounts any historical trading profits they have made as a result of such liquidity abuse, as determined by the Company, at any time during our trading relationship;
reject an order or cancel a transaction;
cancel or reserve any transaction;
immediately terminate our trading relations.
The Company has and will continue to develop any tools necessary to detect fraudulent and/or illegal access and use of our online trading system.
The concept of using trading strategies to exploit pricing errors and/or enter into trades at non-market prices and/or take advantage of Internet latency, commonly known as "arbitrage", "sniping" or "scalping" (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Arbitrage" ), cannot exist in an over-the-counter market where the Client buys or sells directly from the Principal.
The Company reserves the right to prevent abuse of Arbitration in its online trading system and/or in connection with its services.
The Company is under no obligation to contact you to advise you on appropriate actions in light of changes in market conditions or otherwise. Clients agree and acknowledge that trading OTC Market Contracts for Differences (CFDs) is highly speculative and volatile and that, following the execution of any transaction, Clients are solely responsible for establishing and maintaining contact with us and for monitoring open positions and ensuring that any further instructions will be given in a timely manner.
A daily funding fee may be charged on each open Forex CFD position at the close of the Company's trading day in respect of that Forex CFD. If such funding fee is applicable, it will either be requested by the Client directly to the Company or will be paid by the Company to the Client, depending on the type of FX/CFD and the nature of the position held by the Client. The method of calculating funding fees varies depending on the type of FX/CFD to which it applies. The Funding Fee will be credited or debited (as the case may be) from the Client's account on the next trading day following the day to which it relates.
The Company reserves the right to change the method of calculating funding fees, funding rates and/or the types of FX/CFDs to which funding fees apply. For certain types of FX/CFD, the Client pays a commission for opening and closing FX/CFD positions. Such commission payment will be debited from the Client's account at the same time that the Company opens or closes the relevant FX/CFD. Changes to our interest rates and swap settlements are made at our discretion and without prior notice. Customers should always check current rates for information. Information about swap rates for each instrument is displayed in the Trading Platform. Rates can change quickly due to market conditions (changes in interest rates, volatility, liquidity, etc.) as well as various risk-related issues that are at the discretion of the firm.
Any open FX/CFD transaction carried out by the Client at the end of the trading day determined by the Company, or on weekends, is automatically rolled over to the next business day to avoid the transaction being automatically closed and physically settled. Customer acknowledges that if such transactions are carried forward to the next business day, a premium may be added to or deducted from Customer's account in respect of such transaction. Information about swap rates for each instrument is displayed on the “more details” link for each specific instrument on the trading platform.
On Wednesday around 00:00 GMT, the overnight rollover fee is multiplied by three (x3) to compensate for the upcoming weekend.
Expiring transactions and rollover
CFD trading is linked to the market price of a specific underlying asset, including the market price of futures contracts. A few days before the expiration of the underlying asset to which the CFD is linked, the underlying asset must be replaced with another asset and the CFD quote must change accordingly.
For certain instruments on our platform that are based on futures contracts, we may, in our sole discretion, set an expiration date and time for a particular instrument. Information about the expiration date of each instrument is displayed on the Trading Platform.
If we set an expiration date for a specific instrument, it will be displayed on the trading platform in the detailed link for each specific instrument. You acknowledge that you are responsible for keeping yourself informed of the Expiration Date and time.
If you do not close an open transaction for an Instrument that has an Expiration Date before such Expiration Date, the Transaction will automatically close on the Expiration Date. The Trade will be completed at the price which will be the last price posted on the Trading Platform immediately prior to the applicable Expiration Date and Time.
Islamic accounts
In the event that the Client, due to compliance with Islamic religious beliefs, is unable to receive or pay interest, the Client may choose, in the manner prescribed by the Company, his trading account as an Islamic account from which no charges are charged, or is entitled to overnight interest and/ or prolongation.
The customer hereby acknowledges and/or accepts and/or declares that the request to convert his account to Islamic can only be made due to the stated Islamic religious beliefs and for no other reason. The Company reserves the right to refuse to accept a customer's request to designate his account as an Islamic account at its sole and absolute discretion, which shall be final and conclusive to the customer.
In the event that the Client designates his account as an Islamic account, the Client may not keep transactions on such account open for more than 14 days and may not otherwise abuse such benefit.
The company may add a commission to each transaction made on an Islamic account; and/or reserves the right to revoke the above benefit at any time and take any action necessary at the Company's discretion if this benefit is abused. Such actions may include, but are not limited to, designating an Islamic account as a conventional account and retroactively making necessary adjustments (for example, setting off amounts from the account equal to amounts paid by the Company in interest), restricting and/or prohibiting the client from hedging its positions, canceling transactions and adjustments to account balances.
Order types:
Orders can be placed as market orders to buy or sell as soon as possible at an available market price, or for product products as limit stop orders to trade when the price moves to predetermined levels. Buy limit orders and sell stop orders must be placed below current market prices, sell limit orders and buy stop orders must be placed above current market prices. If the price for sell orders or the sell price for buy orders is reached, the order will be fulfilled as soon as possible at the price available in the market. Limit and stop orders are executed in accordance with the Company's Order Execution Policy and do not specify execution at a specified price or amount unless expressly stated by the Company to indicate the order.
You are warned that slippage may occur when trading financial instruments. This is a situation where, at the time the Order is submitted for execution, the specific price shown to the Client may not be available; therefore, the Order will be executed close to the price requested by the Client or a few pips further from it. So, slippage is the difference between the expected price of an order and the price at which the order is actually executed. If the execution price is better than the price requested by the Client, this is called positive slippage. If the execution price is worse than the price requested by the Client, this is called negative slippage. Please note that slippage is common when trading financial instruments. Slippage is more likely to occur during periods of illiquidity or increased volatility (for example, due to news announcements, economic events, market openings and other factors), making it impossible to execute an Order at a specific price. your Orders may not be executed at the stated prices. Slippage can occur on all types of accounts we offer. It should be noted that slippage can also occur during the execution of Stop loss orders, Limit orders and other types of orders. We do not guarantee that your pending orders will be executed at the specified price. However, we confirm that your Order will be executed at the next best available market price from the price you entered in your pending Order.
The Client hereby acknowledges and agrees that the Company may, in its sole discretion, add, remove or suspend from the Platform any financial instrument in any type of Underlying Asset or market from time to time in the event of a stock transformation. (for example, as a result of a takeover, consolidation/split of shares, merger, spin-off, nationalization, delisting, etc.) or if there are no current client positions in a particular financial instrument. Additionally, in the event that we are no longer able to provide an instrument in its current format, we reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change the contents or terms of the instrument, including its expiration date, trading hours, or any other options on the instrument details tab , notifying you about it.
To maintain a certain account status, you must accumulate the minimum monthly amount of Trader Points required for that account status. You can simply return to any account status by meeting the monthly Trader Points requirements for that account level if you meet the minimum deposit criteria, or by making the minimum required deposits, which will automatically advance you to the next account level. The monthly trader points requirement and the status of accumulated trader points can be viewed in your account menu.
Benefits – Acquisitions and Conversions (including events such as share consolidation/split, mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs, MBOs, delistings, etc.). Depending on the circumstances of each event, our policy is to close any open client positions at the market price immediately prior to the event. As a result of such an event, if any Instrument is subject to an adjustment as a result of a dilution or conversion action, we must determine the appropriate adjustment to be made to the contract price or contract quantity that we deem appropriate to account for the dilution or conversion. concentrating effect. This adjustment represents the economic equivalent of the rights and obligations of us and you immediately prior to the action.
You have the right to terminate the Agreement by providing the Company with at least seven (7) days' prior written notice specifying the date of termination, provided that in the event of such termination, all Client Open Positions will be closed by the date of termination without derogation from all of the above provisions, including fees , fees and fines.
The Company may terminate the Agreement by giving you seven (7) days' written notice specifying the date of termination.
The Company may terminate the Agreement immediately without prior notice in the following cases:
Death of the Client;
If a decision regarding your bankruptcy or liquidation is made by meeting or filing an application for it;
Termination is required by any competent regulatory authority or authority;
You violate any provision of the Agreement and, in the opinion of the Company, the Agreement cannot be enforced;
You violate any laws or regulations to which you are subject, including, without limitation, laws and regulations relating to exchange control and registration requirements;
You directly or indirectly involve the Company in any type of fraud.
An event of default as defined in Section 24 of this Agreement occurs.
Termination of the Agreement will in no way affect any rights accrued, existing obligations or any provisions of the contract that were intended to survive termination, and in the event of termination you must pay:
Any expected commissions to the Company and any other amounts payable to the Company;
Any fees and additional expenses incurred or to be incurred by the Company as a result of termination of the Agreement;
Any losses incurred during the settlement or resolution of outstanding obligations.
If you violate this agreement, the Company reserves the right to cancel all previous transactions that jeopardize the interests of the Company and/or all or some of the interests of its customers before terminating the Agreement.
The following events constitute “Events of Default” upon the occurrence of which the Company has the right to exercise its rights in accordance with the paragraph below:
Your failure to comply with or perform any other provision of this Agreement, and such failure continues for a period of one Business Day after the Company provides you with notice of the failure.
Commencement by a third party of proceedings for your bankruptcy (in the case of an individual) or your insolvency or other similar event of voluntary liquidation (in the case of a legal entity) in accordance with applicable law or any other similar proceedings similar to those previously provided for. - mentioned in relation to you.
You take advantage of price delays and place Orders at out-of-date prices, trade at non-market prices and/or outside business hours, and engage in any other activities that constitute abusive trading.
You die or become unconscious (if an individual).
Any statement or warranty made or given or purported to be made or given by you under this Agreement proves to be false or misleading in any material respect at the time it is made or given or purported to be made or given.
Any other situation where the Company reasonably believes it is necessary or desirable for its own protection or takes any action or event occurs that, in the opinion of the Company, may have a material adverse effect on your ability to perform any of your obligations under this Agreement.
Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, the Company has the right, in its sole discretion, to take any of the following actions at any time and without prior notice to you:
in lieu of a return of your investments equivalent to those credited to your account, pay you the fair market value of such investments at the time the Company exercises such right,
sell such of your investments as are owned by the Company or in the possession of any nominee or third party appointed under or pursuant to this Agreement, in each case as the Company may, in its sole discretion, choose or and on such terms and conditions as The Company may, in its sole discretion, deem it appropriate (without liability for any damages or reduction in price) to obtain funds sufficient to cover any amount due to you under this Agreement,
close, replace or cancel any transaction, buy, sell, lend or borrow or enter into any other transaction or take or refrain from taking such other actions at such time or in such manner as in the sole discretion of the Company. The Company deems it necessary or advisable to cover, reduce or eliminate its losses or liabilities under any of your contracts, positions or obligations,
treat any or all then outstanding Transactions as rejected by the Client, in which case the Company's obligations under such Transaction or Transactions will subsequently be canceled and terminated.
It should be noted that depending on market conditions and fluctuations, the value of Financial Instruments may increase or decrease or even decrease to zero. Regardless of the information that the Company may provide to you, you agree and acknowledge that such occurrences may occur.
You understand and acknowledge that there is a significant risk of harm and damage as a result of investment activities (buying and/or selling financial instruments) through the company and the company's trading platform, and you agree that you are prepared to do so. risk in entering into these business relationships.
You represent that you have read, understood and unconditionally accepted the following:
Information about the past performance of a financial instrument does not guarantee its current and/or future performance. Historical data is not and should not be relied upon as indicative of the future performance of any financial instrument.
If you trade financial instruments in a currency other than the currency of your country of residence, you risk changes in the exchange rate, which will reduce the value and price of the financial instruments and, in essence, their effectiveness.
You should be aware that you risk losing all of your investment and should only purchase financial instruments if you are willing to do so if this occurs. In the future, all incurred expenses and commissions will be paid by you.
The maximum loss that any client can incur is the amount of money paid by him to the Company, including rolling commissions for intraday trading.
Each financial contract purchased by a client through the Company's website constitutes a separate agreement between that client and the Company and is not transferable, negotiated or assigned to any third party.
The Company shall have no obligation to disclose any information to you or to take any information into account in making any decision or taking any action on your behalf unless otherwise agreed and specified in this Agreement and unless This is not provided for by the relevant laws, regulations and directives in force.
The Company will never disclose any private or otherwise confidential information about our clients and former clients to third parties without the express written consent of our clients, except in special cases where disclosure is required by law or is otherwise necessary. to carry out a verification analysis of the client's identity in order to protect his account and protect his personal information.
The Company will process all your personal data in accordance with relevant data protection laws and regulations.
Unless expressly stated otherwise, any notices, instructions, permissions, requests or other communications you provide to Company under the Agreement must be in writing and sent to the Company's mailing address listed on the Company's website or any other such address as the Company may from time to time provide to you for this purpose and shall only be effective upon its actual receipt by the Company, provided that they do not violate or conflict with any terms of this Agreement.
The Company reserves the right to indicate any other method of contacting you.
You acknowledge that the Company may record telephone conversations between you and the Company without the use of a warning signal in order to provide a quick and accurate recording of the material terms of the Transaction and any other material information relating to the Transaction. Such records will be the sole property of the Company and will be accepted by you as evidence of these Orders or instructions.
Subject to applicable regulations, the Company is required to have mechanisms in place to manage conflicts of interest between the Company and its clients, as well as between other clients. The Company will make every reasonable effort to avoid conflicts of interest where they cannot be avoided. The company must ensure that you are treated fairly and with the highest level of integrity and that their interests are protected at all times.
You acknowledge and accept that you have read and accepted the “Conflict of Interest Policy” that was provided to you during the registration process and uploaded on the official website of the Company.
You acknowledge that no representations have been made to you by or on behalf of the Company that in any way induce or persuade you to enter into the Agreement.
In the event that any provision of the Agreement is or becomes at any time illegal or unenforceable in any respect, under the law and/or regulation of any jurisdiction, the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Agreement Agreement or enforceability, the validity or enforceability of this provision under the laws and/or regulations of any other jurisdiction will not be affected.
All Transactions on your behalf are subject to the laws that govern the formation and operation, regulations, agreements, directives, circulars and customs (collectively, the “Laws and Rules”) of the IFSC, as well as any other governing authorities. Investment Firms (as defined in such Laws and Regulations), as they are amended or modified from time to time. The Company has the right to take or not take any action it deems desirable, subject to compliance with laws and regulations for the time being in force. You are bound by any such measures that may be taken and all applicable laws and regulations.
You agree to take all steps reasonably necessary (including, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the execution of all necessary documents) to enable the Company to properly perform its obligations under the Agreement.
The location of detailed information on the conclusion and conditions of investment transactions with financial instruments conducted by the Company, as well as other information about the Company’s activities, is available and addressed to any individuals and legal entities on the Company’s website on the Internet.
The provisions of this document expressed in the English language take precedence over the provisions of any other translation of the same document, regardless of the language in which the translation may occur.
This Agreement and all business relations between you and the Company shall be governed by the laws of Saint Lucia and the competent court to resolve any dispute that may arise between them shall be the District Court for the district in which the Company is headquartered.